No, New York State Is Not Killing Full-Term Babies Now
Anti-choicers are using scare tactics to spread disinformation and we all need to fight it
Anti-choicers are using scare tactics to spread disinformation and we all need to fight it
In the age of Trump, the Bronx Zoo has you covered
Don’t be an asshole, don’t be a creep, don’t be a stalker. If you don’t do any of that– congrats, you’re doing the minimum
Do not assume that a mile in someone else’s shoes compares to a lifetime of walking that someone did in those shoes.
I would rather have thousands of kids like my son growing up to be men over those that are being raised to hate and mistreat women and keep their emotions in check.
Teaching makes me learn New views My life is expanded by friends, colleagues, and acquaintances of all stripes, spots, shapes, shades, and genders Adulthood means being able to decide to go to bed early or stay up until all hours Scheduling reading time, instead of trying to fit it in Muppets There is enough love …
A Scottie, seen on his evening walk, proudly carrying a large pinecone in his mouth The sounds of waves, lapping at the hull of an old tall ship Heirloom apples and being in a place that’s rich in them Studies suggest that there is a correlation between having a flexible body and having flexible arteries: …