We can still defend the right to an abortion, but we’re going to have to be smart about it
It’s a dark time for reproductive rights. But we’re not done fighting
It’s a dark time for reproductive rights. But we’re not done fighting
In fact I won’t even give a performance of “I’m holding my nose” or “vote blue no matter who” because I’m tired and I don’t owe anyone a justification
Stacey Abrams is the rightful governor of Georgia. The person who stole her election just signed a heartless “heartbeat” bill into law, cruelly restricting access to reproductive freedom for women in Georgia and violating Roe v. Wade. They know it, too. They’re violating it BY DESIGN. That’s the strategy of right-wing whackjobs in red legislatures …
State politics are boring? Well, that’s where Roe v. Wade is under attack Read More »