It’s been one year since we last spoke
You chose your privilege. I chose the right to exist.
The term “white supremacy” is making headlines lately because the occupant of the oval office is a white supremacist. But there seems to be some confusion about exactly what white supremacy is. For those who who don’t know, here’s a brief, incomplete primer on white supremacy: First of all, all white supremacy is racism. This …
White Supremacy is the Air We Breathe: That’s Why We’re Choking Read More »
You can’t expect change if you don’t want to disrupt power. If you fear disruption more than you fear what’s currently happening, apparently things haven’t gotten bad enough for you yet. Just wait. It will get worse.
It’s upsetting to suddenly go from the altruist or the protagonist to be thrust under the icy salt water. Every place you thought you were strong begins to sting. You realize at once that you were never truly innocent.
We know you often tolerate us, without knowing us. But tolerance isn’t enough. Not in this world.