It’s OK for People to not Drink Alcohol and You Shouldn’t Be a Dick About it
It’s not that hard of a concept. Except for some folks, it apparently IS
It’s not that hard of a concept. Except for some folks, it apparently IS
Image credit: Tasha Sturm/Cabrillo College/ Julius was a military physician working for the German army in the late 1800s. His job was relatively simple: cure tuberculosis. Working alongside preeminent bacteriologist Robert Koch, he discovered and helped develop the ideal method and conditions for growing bacteria. This was no easy feat. (Most) bacteria requires an ideal …
Not a Rapist? Good. Do You Laugh at Rape Jokes? You Enable Rape Culture. Read More »
If your heroes joke about rape you need new heroes. If your friends joke about rape you need new friends.
What follows is directed to any men reading this. Any women reading this: please feel free to add to, amend, or correct this diatribe. The LAST thing I want to do is mansplain misogyny to women. First of all, all patriarchy is sexism. This means you don’t need to use the B word, be a …
Men, it’s Past Time We Take Dismantling Patriarchy Seriously Read More »
The women in these stories are collateral damage, and the purpose of their existence within these narratives is the opportunity they provide for men to grow and learn. The fact of those women’s suffering is at best a footnote.
The more I learned, the closer I held her little boy to me, whispering to him that I would think of him everyday.
And lest you think I’m one of those #FreeTheNipple weirdos (which I am), this isn’t just about that.