Things I’ve been criticized for

Being too bossy

Trying to find a compromise

Cussing too much

Using vocabulary that “you have to read books” to understand

Being too political

Not caring about things “in the right way”

Caring too much about people “you don’t even know”

Being too emotional

Being too “cold” and fact-driven

Being crazy/out of control

Memorizing statistics

Reading “too much”

Not liking a tv show everyone talks about

Trying to raise money for good causes (“it’s annoying” “can’t I just enjoy things without thinking about them?”)

Bringing up sad topics (gun violence, global climate change, kids in cages)

Making poop jokes

Laughing too loud

Being too protective of other people

Being too hard on white people

Having enthusiasm or “too much enthusiasm”

Too angry

Too sad

Too introverted

Too extroverted

Too generous

Too discerning

Too fearful

Body (too skinny/boobs too big/tummy too big/legs too skinny/ hair too big/eyes too small)

Too weird

Too spoiled

Too complicated

Not feminine enough (why don’t you paint your nails? why don’t you buy new clothes? why don’t you want a fancy purse/car/ _____?)

Too prissy (why don’t you like to camp? why don’t you like to stay in hotels? why are you such a picky eater?)

Always sounding like Chicken Little

Being too hopeful/optimistic

Being too precise/demanding

Caring too much about what other people think

Not caring enough what other people think

Shall I go on?

man couple people woman
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